
> Is that really true?  The LaTeX2e docs say that for example a
> filecontents environment must only occur before \documentclass.  See
> section 3.1 of http://www.latex-project.org/guides/usrguide.pdf.

To justify my claim, try compiling the attached file, and notice that
only the second filecontents generates an error, and that the first one
passes through with just the warning that a file is being written to.

Why the LaTeX 3 team writes this in their must be either a mistake, or
because something changed after 2001 with the filecontents environment
Med Venlig Hilsen / Kind Regards,
Mads Jensen
Rubinsteinsvej 31,st.th
DK-2450 Kbh. SV
+45 6168 8518
My brain is my second favorite organ.
      -- Woody Allen

Attachment: document.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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