Mosè Giordano <> writes:

>>> Can I keep `TeX-math-close-double-dollar'?
>> I don't have strong opinions, I just don't like having several quite
>> similar features that might confuse more than help.  But if you feel
>> that it's important, then we'll just keep it.
> I didn't consider your second alternative, but I still think the first
> is better or at least equivalent.  Counting the keystrokes of the
> first alternative they are:
>   1. press $
>   2. move right
>   3. enter formula
>   4. press $
> For the second:
>   1. press $ twice, but the second pressure will insert only one dollar sign

Uh, why that?  IMO, pressing $$ should insert $$|$$ with | being

>   2. enter formula
>   3. press $
>   4. move right

Usually, (at least in my docs) there's nothing right of a $$...$$
formula (except for a newline), so I don't count keystroke 4. ;-)

> Thus, I'm inclined to keep `TeX-math-close-double-dollar'.  That said,
> I've a reason to suspect there are really few AUCTeX users writing
> regularly in plain TeX, if I'm right not many people will worry about
> all this :-)
> I'm submitting the (hopefully) definitive patch.  If there are no
> objections I'll install it.

Well, I consider the $$ gives $$|$ a bug, or at least unexpected


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