Dear AucTeX-developers,

I want to translate a German mathematics script into English, and I want
to do this in a way which allows me to easily keep both versions
synchronized in the future.

I have come up with the following approach where I only have to
introduce a comment sign before \germantrue for obtaining the English

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---




\de{Wir untersuchen die Gleichung}{We study the equation}
  y = \sin(x) x \,,

\ldots\de{und zeigen, dass sie f"ur \emph{beliebige} $y$ unendlich viele
  L"osungen hat}{and demonstrate that it has for \emph{arbitrary} $y$
  infinitely many solutions}.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The disadvantage is that this LaTeX source text is not that easily
readable any more.  Therefore, my question wrt AucTeX is if it is
(easily) possible to introduce a markup for the \de-Macro which makes
one of the language branches transparent (or maybe even cuts it out

Another question is, if you have already encountered similar tasks and
could suggest even better ways of handling such branching.

Thank you,


[*] I have taken a look at the AucTeX sources and probably could program
    something myself.  But I think that even a sketch by some AucTeX
    expert of how to proceed best would save me a lot of time and lead
    to better results.

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