David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> "Nicolas Richard" <theonewiththeevill...@yahoo.fr> writes:
>> Mosè Giordano <giordano.m...@libero.it> writes:
>>> The attached patch is a middle ground between my narrowing function
>>> and the Nicolas' one, but I believe we should keep visible the
>>> enclosing `\begin' and `\end', because in some cases (i.e., when
>>> `\begin' starts at column 0 in the real file)
>> I tend to remove those because I sometimes do narrowing + change major
>> mode in order to edit inlined asymptote code, and then the \begin and \end
>> get in the way.
> For editing parts with a separate major mode, a separate command and/or
> hook into mmm-mode or whatever may be warranted.

Sure, I was merely commenting my own code, I was not suggesting it should be
the default. Sorry for being unclear.


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