
2014-02-14 19:03 GMT+01:00 Mosè Giordano <giordano.m...@libero.it>:
> 2014-02-14 16:31 GMT+01:00 Mosè Giordano <giordano.m...@libero.it>:
>> You might want to insert the `\usepackage's after the `\documentclass'
>> inside the `LaTeX-env-document' and I might agree, but that would
>> require some care and work.  Is this what you want?  I can try to
>> write down a patch for this.
> Ok, I wrote a small patch jsut to show what I mean.  It is a
> proof-of-concept, can be improved and suggestions are welcome.  The
> main changes are:
> - the body of `LaTeX-arg-usepackage' has been split into two new
> functions, one (LaTeX-arg-usepackage-get-packages-options) to get the
> arguments of `\usepackage' and another (LaTeX-arg-usepackage-insert)
> to actually insert them.  Apart from splitting its body, nothing has
> been changed inside `LaTeX-arg-usepackage'
> - a new function (LaTeX-insert-usepackages) has been defined, which
> prompts for a new `\usepackage' until empty input
> - `LaTeX-env-document' uses `LaTeX-insert-usepackages'.
> If this feature will be accepted, possible improvements come to my mind are:
> - in `LaTeX-arg-usepackage-get-packages-options', don't prompt for
> options if no package has been given
> - in `LaTeX-env-document', make autoinsertion of `\documentclass' and
> `\usepackage' optional but on by default (maybe not everybody likes
> this kind of automatisms).

Any comments about this feature? :-)  I'm sending a revised version of
the patch, the major change is that you aren't prompted for options if
no package is supplied.

diff --git a/latex.el b/latex.el
index b2dad4a..8780e47 100644
--- a/latex.el
+++ b/latex.el
@@ -771,7 +771,9 @@ To insert a hook here, you must insert it in the appropiate style file.")
 (defun LaTeX-env-document (&optional ignore)
   "Create new LaTeX document.
-Also inserts a \\documentclass macro if there's none already
+Also inserts a \\documentclass macro if there's none already and
+prompt for the insertion of \\usepackage macros.
 The compatibility argument IGNORE is ignored."
   ;; just assume a single valid \\documentclass, i.e., one not in a
   ;; commented line
@@ -787,6 +789,9 @@ The compatibility argument IGNORE is ignored."
       (TeX-insert-macro "documentclass")
+      ;; Add a newline only if some `\usepackage' has been inserted.
+      (if (LaTeX-insert-usepackages)
+	  (LaTeX-newline))
       (end-of-line 0)))
   (LaTeX-insert-environment "document")
@@ -1874,9 +1879,12 @@ OPTIONAL and IGNORE are ignored."
 To insert a hook here, you must insert it in the appropiate style file.")
-(defun LaTeX-arg-usepackage (optional)
-  "Insert arguments to usepackage.
-OPTIONAL is ignored."
+(defun LaTeX-arg-usepackage-get-packages-options ()
+  "Get the packages and the options for the usepackage macro.
+This function returns nil if no package is provided, a cons cell
+otherwise, whose CAR is the list of packages, and the CDR is the
+string of the options."
   (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("sty"))
 	 (crm-separator ",")
 	 packages var options)
@@ -1891,37 +1899,68 @@ OPTIONAL is ignored."
 				 'texinputs 'global t t))))))
     (setq packages (TeX-completing-read-multiple
 		    "Packages: " TeX-global-input-files))
-    ;; Clean up hook before use.
+    ;; Clean up hook before use in `LaTeX-arg-usepackage-insert'.
     (setq LaTeX-after-usepackage-hook nil)
     (mapc 'TeX-run-style-hooks packages)
-    (setq var (if (= 1 (length packages))
-		  (intern (format "LaTeX-%s-package-options" (car packages)))
-		;; Something like `\usepackage[options]{pkg1,pkg2,pkg3,...}' is
-		;; allowed (provided that pkg1, pkg2, pkg3, ... accept same
-		;; options).  When there is more than one package, set `var' to
-		;; a dummy value so next `if' enters else form.
-		t))
-    (if (or (and (boundp var)
-		 (listp (symbol-value var)))
-	    (fboundp var))
-	(if (functionp var)
-	    (setq options (funcall var))
-	  (when (symbol-value var)
-	    (setq options
-		  (mapconcat 'identity
-			     (TeX-completing-read-multiple
-			      "Options: " (mapcar 'list (symbol-value var)))
-			     ","))))
-      (setq options (read-string "Options: ")))
-    (unless (zerop (length options))
-      (let ((opts (LaTeX-listify-package-options options)))
-	(mapc (lambda (elt)
-		(TeX-add-to-alist 'LaTeX-provided-package-options
-				  (list (cons elt opts))))
-	      packages))
-      (insert LaTeX-optop options LaTeX-optcl))
-    (insert TeX-grop (mapconcat 'identity packages ",") TeX-grcl)
-    (run-hooks 'LaTeX-after-usepackage-hook)))
+    ;; Prompt for options only if at least one package has been given, return
+    ;; nil otherwise.
+    (unless (equal packages '(""))
+      (setq var (if (= 1 (length packages))
+		    (intern (format "LaTeX-%s-package-options" (car packages)))
+		  ;; Something like `\usepackage[options]{pkg1,pkg2,pkg3,...}' is
+		  ;; allowed (provided that pkg1, pkg2, pkg3, ... accept same
+		  ;; options).  When there is more than one package, set `var' to
+		  ;; a dummy value so next `if' enters else form.
+		  t))
+      (if (or (and (boundp var)
+		   (listp (symbol-value var)))
+	      (fboundp var))
+	  (if (functionp var)
+	      (setq options (funcall var))
+	    (when (symbol-value var)
+	      (setq options
+		    (mapconcat 'identity
+			       (TeX-completing-read-multiple
+				"Options: " (mapcar 'list (symbol-value var)))
+			       ","))))
+	(setq options (read-string "Options: ")))
+      (cons packages options))))
+(defun LaTeX-arg-usepackage-insert (packages options)
+  "Actually insert arguments to usepackage."
+  (unless (zerop (length options))
+    (let ((opts (LaTeX-listify-package-options options)))
+      (mapc (lambda (elt)
+	      (TeX-add-to-alist 'LaTeX-provided-package-options
+				(list (cons elt opts))))
+	    packages))
+    (insert LaTeX-optop options LaTeX-optcl))
+  (insert TeX-grop (mapconcat 'identity packages ",") TeX-grcl)
+  (run-hooks 'LaTeX-after-usepackage-hook))
+(defun LaTeX-arg-usepackage (optional)
+  "Insert arguments to usepackage.
+OPTIONAL is ignored."
+  (let* ((packages-options (LaTeX-arg-usepackage-get-packages-options))
+	 (packages (car packages-options))
+	 (options (cdr packages-options)))
+    (LaTeX-arg-usepackage-insert packages options)))
+(defun LaTeX-insert-usepackages ()
+  "Prompt for the insertion of usepackage macros until empty
+input is reached.
+Return t if at least one \\usepackage has been inserted, nil
+  (let (packages-options packages options (inserted nil))
+    (while (setq packages-options (LaTeX-arg-usepackage-get-packages-options))
+      (setq packages (car packages-options))
+      (setq options (cdr packages-options))
+      (insert TeX-esc "usepackage")
+      (LaTeX-arg-usepackage-insert packages options)
+      (LaTeX-newline)
+      (setq inserted t))
+    inserted))
 (defcustom LaTeX-search-files-type-alist
   '((texinputs "${TEXINPUTS.latex}" ("tex/generic/" "tex/latex/")
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