* Mosè Giordano (2014-07-19) writes:

> 2014-07-19 21:06 GMT+02:00 Mosè Giordano <m...@gnu.org>:
>> The Windows Emacs binary is downloaded even if $WEMACS is already
>> there.  Probably I'll add a test to the Makefile before
>>     test -f $(WBUILDDIR)/emacs-$(WEMACSVER)-bin-i386.zip
>> to avoid this.
> I stand corrected - the Windows Emacs package is needed to build the
> Windows AUCTeX package.

Yes, because AUCTeX is installed into its directory structure and the
AUCTeX Windows package is extracted from it afterwards.  The Emacs
binary referenced by $WEMACS is just used for compiling the Elisp files.


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