** Mosè Giordano [2014-08-12 16:45:47 +0200]:

> 2014-08-12 14:49 GMT+02:00 Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org>:
>> Mosè Giordano <m...@gnu.org> writes:

>>> Ok, a possibility would be to change the value accepted by
>>> `LaTeX-insert-label' to, e.g,

>>>     (t . ("section" . section) ("subsection" . environment))

>>> so each element of the CDR is a cons, whose CAR is the name of the
>>> macro/environment, and the CDR is the type.

>> Quite complex.  Maybe it would be simpler to have special keys for the
>> alist, e.g.,

>>   ((environment-whitelist "figure" "table")
>>    (environment-blacklist ...)
>>    (section-whitelist ...)
>>    (section-blacklist ...))

>> And basically, having both a *-whitelist and a *-blacklist doesn't
>> really make much sense.  So it could be compressed to, e.g.,

>>   ((environments t "figure" "table")
>>    (sections nil "paragraph" "paragraph*" "subparagraph" "subparagraph*"))

>> meaning that only figure and table environments get a label (t =
>> whitelist), and only sections "larger" than paragraph get one (nil =
>> blacklist).

> My idea of using t for blacklist and nil for whitelist was due to the
> fact that for the base cases (always insert label, never insert
> labels) I used t and nil, and adding exceptions was as simple as
> adding elements to the list, keeping the same first element (t or
> nil), though I agree t is logically more adapt for a whitelist and nil
> for a blacklist.

> However, I'll try to implement this interface later today.

>>> The `LaTeX-label' function must be changed to take a second mandatory
>>> argument specifying the type of the macro/environment to be labeled.

>> I think `LaTeX-label' can figure that out on its own by calling
>> `LaTeX-current-environment'.  If that returns "document", we're probably
>> inserting a section label, else we're inserting an environment label.

> Well, in beamer you can add a sectioning command inside a frame
> environment.  This is not the standard behavior but it's legal to
> insert a sectioning command inside an environment different from
> document.  In addition `LaTeX-current-environment' isn't bullet-proof,
> so avoid using it would be nice ;-)

>From the first proposition by Mosè Giordano, I thought that I could
"advise" corresponding label function to which macro, environment or
place in document insert a label macro. Also, I imagined that there will
be some function that allows, depending on context to use a customized
prefix (for example, "fig" for figures, "tab" for tables, "eq" for
equations, "page" for page-labels) and may be some function to generate
unique labels (part after a prefix or may be complete label), not only
simple counting. But seems I was wrong. According to the following
discussion seems that the proposed 'LaTeX-label' will be too complex and

P.S. I got into this discussion only because Mosè Giordano mentioned
some subtle LaTeX features (the usage macros and environments with the
same name).

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

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