Mosè Giordano <> writes:

> Hi Ralf,
> 2014-09-02 20:00 GMT+02:00 Ralf Angeli <>:
>> * Mosč Giordano (2014-09-02) writes:
>>> for the release process we should follow the "Distributions" section
>>> of the GNU Maintainer guide, right?  I can build and sign all
>>> tarballs, including XEmacs and Windows ones, but who will send the
>>> packages to the FTP server?  For what is worth, I haven't gone through
>>> the process to automate FTP uploads yet.
>> Up till the last release I've done the uploads for some time.  So if you
>> don't want to register at the moment, I can do the upload without much
>> hassle.
> Ok, thank you.
>>> In the Makefile, the default shell is a generic /bin/sh, but in the
>>> release-sign rule there is a "read -sp" command which is, AFAIK,
>>> specific to "bash" and /bin/sh doesn't necessarily points to bash (in
>>> Debian and derivates it doesn't).  The "-p" option can be replaced by
>>> a preceding "echo -n" message, the "-s" option doesn't have a generic
>>> replacement.  A solution could be to set the shell to /bin/bash,
>>> another could be to replace the read "-p" option with the "echo" and
>>> drop the "-s" option.
>> Hm, I haven't had trouble with the command and I've been using Debian
>> all along.  But perhaps they changed the default shell since the last
>> AUCTeX release?  Did the command fail in your case?
> Yes, the release-sign rule fails for me unless I set the shell to
> /bin/bash in the command line.  The dash has been being the default
> /bin/sh for Ubuntu since 2006 and for Debian since 2011.

One can surround the read command with
stty -echo
read ...
stty echo
in order to switch off echoing.  Of course, if things crash just there,
people will get annoyed at the state of the terminal...

David Kastrup

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