Ciao Davide,

2014-11-15 11:17 GMT+01:00 Davide G. M. Salvetti <>:
> Hello developers,
> on rereading AUCTeX manual I find there that the variables:
> - TeX-style-path
> - TeX-style-global
> - TeX-style-local
> - TeX-auto-local
> "must end with a slash" (each of the items for TeX-style-path).
> Beside the fact that it should probably rather read "must end with a
> directory separator", I believe it is not true anymore (I seem to recall
> that it had to be true many, many years ago).  At least, nowadays my own
> variables (or TeX-style-path items) do not end with a slash, but it
> looks like AUCTeX does not mind.  Moreover, no such prescription is
> reported in the lisp doc strings, neither do they are initialized
> accordingly.

Indeed default values of some of the said variables don't end with a
slash, and no one has complained about that.

> Therefore I think we should remove the "must end with a slash"
> prescription from the manual.
> Do you agree?  Is there anything I am missing?

`expand-file-name' is always used to properly handle those
directories, so I agree with your proposed change, thank you!


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