Hi Arash,

2015-11-21 23:20 GMT+01:00 Arash Esbati <esb...@gmx.de>:
> Hi Mosè,
> Mosè Giordano <m...@gnu.org> writes:
>> 2015-11-19 20:58 GMT+01:00 Arash Esbati <esb...@gmx.de>:
>>> looking at some packages, the optional arguments for some commands are
>>> getting more and more complex, e.g.
>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>> \declaresomething[%
>>>   key          = value               ,
>>>   name         = {[Optional]Value}   ,
>>>   anothername  = {valu-es[]}]{}      ,
>>>   colframe     = red!75!black        ,
>>>   fonttitle    = \bfseries           ,
>>>   enhanced                           ,
>>>   attach boxed = {yshift=-2mm}       ,
>>>   title        = #2
>>>   ]
>>>   {
>>>     some1thing
>>>   }
>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>>> I was thinking about a general regex-solution how to add these kind of
>>> beasts to AUCTeX parser.  My solution is currently:
>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>> \\\\declaresomething[ \t\n\r%]*\\(?:\\[\\(?:[\t\n\r[:print:]]*\\)\\]\\)?[ 
>>> \t\n\r%]*{[ \t\n\r%]*\\([[:print:]]+\\)[ \t\n\r%]*}
>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>>> Any comments?  Admittedly, the last two `[ \t\n\r%]' are excessive, but
>>> you never know.
>> Ehm, sorry but I didn't get what you want to match (re-builder
>> highlights "some1thing") and where you want to add this regex.
> My apologies for being brief and not clear.  Please consider the
> following MWE:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article}
> \usepackage{amsthm}
> \usepackage{thmtools}
> \declaretheoremstyle[%
>   spaceabove    = 6pt                  ,
>   spacebelow    = 6pt                  ,
>   headfont      = \normalfont\bfseries ,
>   notefont      = \mdseries\scshape    ,
>   notebraces    = {[}{]}               ,
>   bodyfont      = \normalfont\itshape  ,
>   postheadspace = 1em                  ,
>   qed           = \qedsymbol
>   ]{mystyle}
> \declaretheorem[style=mystyle]{styledtheorem}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{styledtheorem}[Euclid]
>   For every prime $p$\dots
> \end{styledtheorem}
> \end{document}
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Suppose I want to write a `thmtools.el'.  If I want to catch and process
> user defined styles (in this case "mystyle"), I would currently do:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> (defvar LaTeX-thmtools-declaretheoremstyle-regexp
>   `(,(concat "\\\\declaretheoremstyle[ \t\n\r%]*"
>              "\\(?:\\[\\(?:[\t\n\r[:print:]]*\\)\\]\\)?"
>              "[ \t\n\r%]*"
>              "{"
>              "[ \t\n\r%]*\\([[:print:]]+\\)[ \t\n\r%]*"
>              "}")))
> (TeX-auto-add-type "thmtools-declaretheoremstyle" "LaTeX")
> (TeX-add-style-hook
>  "thmtools"
>  (lambda ()
>    (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-thmtools-declaretheoremstyle-regexp)
>    ...))
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> My question is: Is there any other, better solution for this regexp?  I
> am looking a general solution to handle this kind of cases.  I hope it
> is more clear now.

Probably yes: so you want to match the whole \declaretheoremstyle
macro, but saving only the mandatory argument, right?


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