** Easior Lars [2017-07-30 16:55:13 +0800]:

> Hi, all!
> It's well-known that Evince has direct/inverse research functions
> with the help of AUCTeX in the desktop environment, such as Gnome,
> Mate, KDE, etc. Not long time ago, I installed Qtile, a lightweight
> window manager, instead of Gnome in my Gentoo box. I found that
> AUCTeX can't work well under Qtile. Emacs always complains that
> ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (dbus-error "No connection to bus" :session)
> |   dbus-get-unique-name(:session)
> |   TeX-evince-dbus-p("gnome" "evince" :forward)
> |   TeX-view-program-select-evince("gnome" "evince")
> `---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> while any LaTeX source file opened in Emacs. I have no idea about
> how to resolve it. Is it possible to let AUCTeX without desktop
> environment work? Any hint?

Take a look on pdf-tools,

> Best regards,
> EL

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

To err is human; to admit it, a blunder.

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