Hi Chris,

>>>>> Chris Liddell <chris.lidd...@artifex.com> writes:
> We think we have a way to achieve what you need, but it relies on the
> DELAYBIND feature which, unfortunately, was inadvertently broken in 9.27
> (possibly, in truth, earlier than that).

> I thought this (DELAYBIND) was going to be a fairly easy issue to , but
> it turns out to be decidedly not the case, and it's taking longer than
> expected.

> NOTE: it's not a simple replacement of your current GS_PDF_ProcSet based
> solution: it will mean a small change to how gs in invoked, and changes
> to the Postcript you send to gs. We'll do our best to help you get the
> changes done.

> The advantage is, this should be more secure and more stable for the
> future (hopefully!).

Thank you very much!  We'll wait good news fairly hopefully :).

Ikumi Keita

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