>>> "TH" == Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:

> Al Haji-Ali <abdo.haji....@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Al,

>> Tasillo, I would be grateful if you can pull those changes when you
>> get a chance.

> Done so, although I've had to delete and recreate the branch because
> apparently savannah seems to disallow force-pushing and it seems there
> is no setting for that on our administration page.

> That's no problem for me and I think it makes also no difference for
> test-drivers of your branch who need to reset anyway.

Ah, frankly this is a bit confusing using 
git log 

I see
commit 7a45bb1b1363fc4e3d301c6e9069cac865374efc (HEAD -> tex-build-only, 

I presume this is the commit in question. 
Quite confusing 
to see  tex-build-only, origin/tex-build-only

So how many branches called tex-build-only

One or two?

Anyhow in hg-git, I just see one bookmark tex-build-only
and it corresponds to the (git) HASH
7a45bb1b1363fc4e3d301c6e9069cac865374efc .

I think I will stick to the hg-git plugin, git itself is too confusing
for me.


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