>>> "PS" == Perry Smith <pedz...@icloud.com> writes:

> I’m not sure if this is the best list for this:
> I have an M1 Max (arm based / Apple Silicon) MacBook Pro with the
> latest macOS of 12.3. I also have Homebrew installed with about 27
> items installed. I have not installed any libraries just to have the
> libraries but have only installed commands.

> In any case, building emacs was the usual drop dead easy: ./configure; make ; 
> make install

> The one tiny hiccup is you need to do:

> sudo xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine Emacs.app

> to get the Emacs.app to launch. The GNU Emacs web site points users to
> EmacsForMacOSX. EmacsForMacOSX has problems opening files in
> ~/Desktop, ~/Downloads, and ~/Documents if the user is using Apple’s
> cloud solution. My belief is that these problems come up because the
> EmacsForMacOSX starts with a ruby script which eventually launches the
> emacs binary. I believe macOS at that point no longer trusts the
> executable — which seems totally reasonable.

Ah well, I run some tests. With your proposed xattr command, when
clicking on the Emacs icon, then I cannot access these three folders,
without further confirmation. When I start it via the script that
problem does not occur (I recall vaguely that I have to configure the
security setting of the Mac).

I found another strange problem (curious what other think), when
clicking on the icon and starting Emacs this way, then I have the
following problem.

Using auctex in a latex buffer auctex does not find the executable latex
binaries (I have Mac Latex installed with is basically texlive), while
it does when I start emacs with the rugby script. Not sure how is the
culprit here. I put the auctex-devel on the CC

Uwe Brauer 

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