>> Not sure either, but we can arrange to re-instate the aliases (they're
>> not autoloads) upon unload, if so desired (actually, I think all it
>> takes (in Emacs-29) is to use `(defalias 'LaTeX-mode nil)` instead of
>> `(fset 'LaTeX-mode nil)`.  Also, while I'm here, I think we should check
>> that they are aliases before removing them).
> Thanks, I didn't know that `defalias' allows an argument which isn't a
> function. I'll check later.

`defalias` is just like `fset` except that it records the operation as
a "definition" (i.e. for `load-history`, `unload-feature`, ...).
A bit like the difference between `setq` and `defconst/defvar`.

>>> b. Abbrev table User abbrevs in, say, latex-mode-abbrev-table aren't
>>> inherited to AUCTeX LaTeX mode.
>> Is there a particular reason why `LaTeX-mode-abbrev-table` isn't made to
>> inherit from `latex-mode-abbrev-table`?
> No, I think we can manipulate the abbrev table property by
> `abbrev-table-get' and `abbrev-table-put'.

Indeed, you can use those to set the `:parent` property.

> (Or maybe we should add an optional argument to the elisp macro
> `TeX-abbrev-mode-setup' for such an additional parent table.)

Right.  In any case, it's a "small matter of coding".

>>> c. desktop.el records the major mode name in the saved sessions. When
>>> users have saved sessions with the name, say, latex-mode and
>>> install this patch before the next session, desktop.el restores
>>> them in wrong mode in the next session if `major-mode-remap-alist'
>>> is available.
>> Indeed, I hadn't thought about that use case.  I can't think of a good
>> way to "fix" it since it seems hard/impossible to reliably detect if
>> that desktop was saved with an Emacs using the "old AUCTeX names" or the
>> "new AUCTeX names".
>> The best might be to accept the breakage and add a clear "release note"
>> about it?
> Doesn't it help to modify `desktop-restore-file-buffer' to look up
> `major-mode-map-alist' around here?:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (defun desktop-restore-file-buffer (buffer-filename
> [...]
>         (and (not (eq major-mode desktop-buffer-major-mode))
>              (functionp desktop-buffer-major-mode)
>              (funcall desktop-buffer-major-mode))
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I think the problem lies elsewhere: when the desktop file says "use
`latex-mode`", how can we distinguish the two cases:

- it's an "old" desktop file, so we should probably redirect it to
- it's a "new" desktop file but the user really decided to use
  `latex-mode` for that buffer so we should probably not redirect.

Then again, in both cases it's not 100% sure what is the right choice,
so maybe it doesn't matter that much what we do.

>>> d. Directory local variables
>>> d-1
>>> Directory local variables prepared for, say, `latex-mode' aren't
>>> picked up by AUCTeX LaTeX-mode when `major-mode-remap-alist' is
>>> available.
>>> The reason is that `hack-local-variables' doesn't understand
>>> that `LaTeX-mode' is redirected from `latex-mode'.
>> This is something that we need to fix before this can make it into
>> a release, I think.  IIRC there's an open bug report on Debbugs
>> about it.
> I think you mean bug#61211[1], but it's for type d-2. For type d-1, I
> briefly mentioned in bug#61210[2] as just a subsidary topic.
> [1] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=61211
> [2] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=61210

Maybe the simplest option is to get used to the idea of setting
`derived-mode-parent` manually for those modes which are "morally"
a child mode, even though the implementation (and behavior) does not
inherit much if anything?

Usually we have the convention that a child mode will call the parent
mode, run the parent mode's hook, that its keymap inherits from the
parent mode's keymap, ... but that's not always practical.

>> Agreed (luckily: making it use `define-derived-mode` would be painful,
>> as you can see in `tex-mode`).
> How about separating the two role of `tex-mode'?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (define-derived-mode tex-base-mode text-mode "generic-TeX"
> [...]
>   (tex-common-initialization))
> (defun tex-mode ()
>   (funcall (tex--guess-mode)))

This would have as a consequence of changing the parent mode's var
names for the hook, mode map, ...

We could do that, but I think the end result (user-facing names) of the
current solution is fairly "elegant" even though the implementation

IOW, I think it's fairly natural to define an "abstract parent mode" and
then arrange for calls to this abstract parent mode to auto-dispatch to
one of the child modes.  But yes, the implementation sucks :-(


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