>>> "AE" == Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> I have cooked up a new simple command that I called fullref
>> \newcommand*{\fullref}[1]{\hyperref[{#1}]{\autoref*{#1} (\nameref*{#1})}}
>> So I wanted that reftex supports this label-ref.
>> I found a solution provided by you in
>> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/506586/adding-new-label-reference-command-pairs-to-reftex
>> Which I modified for my purposes. I attach both files, I presume they
>> are overkill

> IIUC, you can reduce the whole thing to a fulllabel.sty which looks like
> this:

> \ProvidesPackage{fulllabel}
>   [2019/09/08 v1.0 Support for fulllabel's]
> \RequirePackage{hyperref}
> \newcommand*{\fullref}[1]{%
>   \hyperref[{#1}]{\autoref*{#1} (\nameref*{#1})}%
> }
> \endinput

> and a fulllabel.el which looks like this:

> (TeX-add-style-hook
>  "fulllabel"
>  (lambda ()

>    (TeX-run-style-hooks "hyperref")

>    (TeX-add-symbols
>     '("fullref" TeX-arg-ref))

>    ;; Fontification
>    (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
>               (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
>      (font-latex-add-keywords '(("fullref" "{"))
>                               'reference)))
>  TeX-dialect)

Thanks, but what's about the reftex support that is in my original post,
stuff like

|    (when (featurep 'reftex-vars)
|      (make-local-variable 'reftex-label-alist)
|      (make-local-variable 'reftex-label-regexps)
|      (make-local-variable 'reftex-ref-style-alist)
|      (dolist (mac '("fulllabel" "fulllonglabel"))
|        (add-to-list 'reftex-label-alist
|                     `(,(concat "\\" mac "{*}") nil nil nil nil)
|                     t)
|        (add-to-list 'reftex-label-regexps
|                     (concat "\\\\" mac "{\\(?1:[^\n\r%\\{}]+\\)}")
|                     t)
|        (unless (string-match-p
|                 "\\<fulllabel\\>"
|                 (mapconcat #'identity reftex-label-regexps "\\|"))
|          (reftex-compile-variables)))
|      ;; Add a new reference style
|      (add-to-list 'reftex-ref-style-alist
|                   '("PFlabel" "fulllabel"
|                     (("\\fullref" ?f)))
|                   t)
|      ;; And activate it
|      (and LaTeX-reftex-ref-style-auto-activate
|           (fboundp 'reftex-ref-style-activate)
|           (reftex-ref-style-activate "PFlabel")))

This is what I most need, the possibility that reftex finds the labels
and inserts \fullref not just \ref

> I don't understand the dance for \fulllabel and \fulllonglabel where you
> do

>   \let\fulllabel\label

> and \fulllonglabel isn't defined in your LaTeX package at all.  So why
> adding them to AUCTeX and RefTeX machinery at all where you can use
> \label?

Most like I just was tired, and forgot to delete, it, sorry

> Best, Arash

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