Hi Keita,

Keita Ikumi <ikumike...@jcom.home.ne.jp> writes:

> I'm not a use-package user, but (use-package auctex) works for me with
> ELPA AUCTeX on emacs 29.2.

Thanks for testing and your response.  I think the missing bit in
auctex.el[.in] was:

  (provide 'auctex)

I also managed to get use-package working with AUCTeX loaded from a
local repo like this:

  (use-package auctex
    (setq TeX-data-directory "~/path/to/gitrepo/auctex"
          TeX-lisp-directory TeX-data-directory)
    (load "~/path/to/gitrepo/auctex/auctex.el" nil t t)  
    (setq-default TeX-master nil))

I'll try to update our manual then.  The question is if we also should
change the entry

  (use-package tex
    :ensure auctex)

in use-package manual -- AFAICT, loading tex.el was never the
recommended way for loading AUCTeX.

Best, Arash

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