>>>>> Ikumi Keita <ik...@ikumi.que.jp> writes:

    > Hi Arash,
>>>>> Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:
    >> Hi all, I was looking through our old bugs and I saw bug#48144[1]
    >> which was about LatexMK and the issue is resolved.  Looking at
    >> auctex-latexmk package[2], it seems dormant.  Acc. to this
    >> message[3], the fix in #48144 was helpful and adding LatexMK
    >> support to AUCTeX isn't hard.  I don't use LatexMK and don't have
    >> any idea how it works, but adding two entries to
    >> `TeX-expand-list' and `TeX-command-list' should be doable.

    >> What do others think?  Is there a market for this addition?

    > I'm fine with your idea. AUCTeX already has plenty of
    > supplementary entries in `TeX-command-list', so it would be good
    > to have another one :-)

    > Regards, Ikumi Keita #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine #Gaza
    > #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

What is being proposed? This already works

(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
              '("LaTeXMK" "latexmk %s" TeX-run-TeX nil t
                :help "Run latexmk on master."))))

Best wishes,

Colin Baxter.

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