Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

>>>> "AE" == Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:
>> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>>> I presume, he wants to clone GNU emacs from the git repository, compile
>>> it and auctex is already included in that tree, like gnus, so that it
>>> would not be necessary to use the package system.
>> Ah, thanks for the translation ;-)  
> My pleasure 😉, but maybe I am wrong.
>> So the question was: Why isn't AUCTeX in core, and the latest version
>> on ELPA?
>>> But I have to say I like the way as things are now, because it allows me
>>> in simple manner to upgrade auctex, without upgrading the whole emacs.
>> Things wouldn't be much different.  There are packages developed like
>> that, take Eglot or Org for instance.
> Yeah but gnus is the odd out here, impossible to upgrade gnus with elpa,
> sigh
> Uwe 

Apologies for not being as clear the first time.
Indeed, I agree it is very convenient to upgrade auctex through ELPA.

There are however at least 2 scenarios where there are benefits to
having auctex, a functional albeit perhaps not the most recent version,
in a distribution of Emacs.

New LaTeX users can discover and try auctex straightaway.  If they want
to upgrade, they also can.
(e.g. case of org-mode)

Some sites don't allow downloading of packages (for policy or security
reasons), so all users have access to is whatever is included in their
Emacs distribution (and indeed their system distro).
(e.g. some corporate environments.)

Perhaps this is a question I'll bring up on emac-devel, I was just
wondering if there was any perspective from auctex developers.  Thoughts 

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