I've made some progress on this problem. I think the problem with preview begain after I installed mathdesign with the Bitstream Charter fonts. I had put these in my texmf.local dir and so clobbered that dir and reinstalled TeX. Preview now generates all the bitmaps, but all of the inline graphics seem to be set inside a huge, mostly empty rectangular box that pushes any text immediately following the graphic way off to the right. Any ideas about how to get the boxes to be the right size for the graphic?


Chris Menzel

On Oct 11, 2006, at 4:48 PM, David Kastrup wrote:

Christopher Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'm not seeing any error icons. The first piece of latex code in the buffer is rendered correctly ("\section*{Introduction}") but nothing
else thereafter.  Everything *seems* to be running properly, I just
only ever see the first graphic in the portion of the document being
previewed (i.e., I get the same result if I try to preview a region
instead of the whole buffer).

One possible reason for that is that preview-latex can't recognize the GhostScript prompt and so is waiting in vain for the proper moment to
feed it further input.

What output do you get when just calling


on a command line? Is the prompt just
and nothing else?

Ah, here's a problem -- emacs was calling a version of AFPL
ghostscript that DarwinPorts had installed in /opt/local/bin, which
was looking for X:

  515: gs
  AFPL Ghostscript 8.54 (2006-05-17)
Copyright (C) 2005 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved.
  This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for
  AFPL Ghostscript 8.54: Cannot open X display `(null)'.
  **** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.

I therefore deactivated this port (which was apparently installed as
a dependency for another DarwinPorts port) so that a call to gs would
run the version that comes with OS X in /usr/local/bin; calling gs
from the command line now brings up a prompt, although one that is
preceded by essentially the msg above:

  517: gs
  AFPL Ghostscript 8.51 (2005-04-18)
Copyright (C) 2005 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved.
  This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for

Well, the above should probably not have made much of a problem since
gs is called with a command line setting a device.  One can, if
everything else fails, perhaps use "gsnd" as an executable ("nd"
stands for "no device").

Unfortunately, switching to this flavor of gs did not solve the
problem with preview; however, instead of rendering exactly one
graphic, I now get an error icon at the corresponding point in the
source file:

gs -dOutputFile\=\(_region_.prv/tmp6377-bf/pr1-1.png\) -q -dSAFER -
dNOPAUSE -DNOPLATFONTS -dPrinted -dTextAlphaBits\=4 -
dGraphicsAlphaBits\=4 -sDEVICE\=png16m -r115.257x115.291
GS>{DELAYSAFER{.setsafe}if}stopped pop/.preview-BP currentpagedevice/
BeginPage get dup null eq {pop{pop}bind}if def<</BeginPage
{currentpagedevice/PageSize get dup 0 get 1 ne exch 1 get 1 ne or
{.preview-BP }{pop}ifelse}bind/PageSize[1 1]>>setpagedevice/ preview-do
{[count 3 roll save]3 1 roll dup length 0 eq{pop}{{setpagedevice}
stopped{handleerror quit}if}ifelse systemdict /.runandhide known
{{.runandhide}}if stopped{handleerror quit}if count 1 gt{pop/exec
errordict/stackoverflow get exec}if aload pop restore}bind def
(_region_.prv/tmp6377-bf/preview.dsc)(r)file dup dup 0
setfileposition 5084()/SubFileDecode filter cvx exec dup dup 5084
setfileposition 53()/SubFileDecode filter cvx<<>>preview-do
   **** Embedded font uses undefined procedure RD
   **** Embedded font uses undefined procedure RD
   <Repeated many many times, then...>
   **** Embedded font uses undefined procedure ND
   **** Embedded font uses undefined procedure RD
   **** Embedded font uses undefined procedure ND
   **** Embedded font uses undefined procedure RD
   <Repeated many times>

That looks like "pdf2dsc", which is a shell script using Ghostscript
internally, uses a different version of Ghostscript than your
interactive one, or it uses one which does not work with the script
itself.  Basically, you probably have some version mismatch among
pdf2dsc and gs.  Or your version of gs is not able to find its library

l.1 \begin{thebibliography}{10}


As a note aside: the last output here means that the .aux file was
closed before all entries have been written to it, thus having the
last entries appear on screen instead.

This has nothing to do with preview-latex, but might still cause
unexpected results for you at one time.  The rest looks pretty normal:

Preview-LaTeX exited as expected with code 1 at Wed Oct 11 15:44:19
Running `Preview-PDF2DSC' with ``pdf2dsc _region_.pdf _region_.prv/

Preview-PDF2DSC finished at Wed Oct 11 15:44:20
Running `Preview-Ghostscript' with ``gs -dOutputFile\=\(_region_.prv/
tmp6377-bf/pr1-\%d.png\) -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -DNOPLATFONTS -dPrinted
-dTextAlphaBits\=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits\=4 -sDEVICE\=png16m -

Preview-Ghostscript finished at Wed Oct 11 15:44:20

gs -h:

Search path:
   . : /usr/local/share/ghostscript/8.51/lib :
   /usr/local/share/ghostscript/8.51/Resource :
For more information, see /usr/local/share/ghostscript/8.51/doc/ Use.htm. Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED], using the form in Bug- form.htm.

The search path directories mentioned above exist and are filled?

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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