* Stefan Vollmar (2007-07-02) writes:

> I provoke two identical errors in two different files of this  
> multifile document:
> in file "vhist_intro.tex":
> \rwar{this-is-an-undefined-macro-into}
> in file "vhist_spec0.tex":
> \rwar{this-is-an-undefined-macro-spec0}
> only the second one is displayed correctly by "TeX-submit-bug-report".

If I open vhist_spec0.tex in Emacs, execute `C-c C-c LaTeX RET' and then
jump to the first error with `C-c `', the file vhist_intro.tex will be
opened in the top window with point at the offending macro.  The bottom
window will display the corresponding help text of the error.  If I
execute `C-c `' again, the analogous action happens for vhist_spec0.tex.
So in my case this works flawlessly.

If you had included the output buffer contents as requested, I probably
could have found out more.


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