
I'm posting this in case it's useful to users of Windows Vista who now need to use MSYS to install the latest AUCTeX. I downloaded the precompiled Emacs 22.1 for windows together with AUCTeX 11.85. I used MSYS to install AUCTeX on my PC at work (which runs Windows XP) without a hitch. On my new PC at home (which runs Windows Vista), I had no problems with Emacs 22.1 but when I came to install AUCTeX, configure and make were fine, but make install didn't get very far without being denied permission. I tried fiddling with permissions on various programs, but nothing worked. Then I tried enabling the Administrator account and installing from there: problem solved! (A bit of Googling had produced this idea (among others which didn't work) and very different ways to implement it. I chose the easiest.)

Ciaran Taylor.

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