
Me again.

Just to recall that I am not subscribed to auctex@gnu.org and that any answer to my mail should explicitly include me in recipient list.

FYI: I have developped this "unfillable comment line" thing, and now I am testing it. I am waiting for your feedback before providing diff files for documentation and latex.el, and a change log.


Vincent Belaïche a écrit :
Dear Ralf,

I would like to make a contribution on comment filling. This contribution has not been yet developped, I am just asking for your opinion before doing anything.

For some reason I need that some special comments be not filled. These special comments are defined by this that

1) they start at column 1
2) they match some regexp

I think that this can be usefull for some other users (e.g. if you have a table within a comment, you would not like
filling to destroy the column alignments in the table).

I could not find that such a possibility already exists in AucTeX. Please tell me if I am wrong.

My intention is to add a new defcustom, something like :

(defcustom LaTeX-unfillable-line-comment-re-list nil
"List of regexp matching LaTeX comments starting at column 1 that shall not be filled"
 :type '(repeat regexp)
 :group 'LaTeX)

And to use it in function LaTeX-fill-paragraph in order to disable comment filling for those comments that start on column 1 and match one of the regexp in
LaTeX-unfillable-line-comment-re-list ?

Do you approve this way of doing ?


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