Le 02/08/2014 20:09, Mosè Giordano a écrit :

2014-08-02 17:15 GMT+02:00 Jean-Jacques Rétorré <jj.reto...@gmail.com>:

Since 11.87 version unlike 11.86 version, TeX-command-master no longer
offers to compile a new document and immediately launches the View command.
Of course, View command fails.
Is that a bug or should I configure any variable to get the 11.86 behavior ?
You only need to save the buffer before issuing C-c C-c.

I know that. But I am an elderly person and I do not like to change my habits :-), each time, il omit saving first.
  Anyway, what
you described isn't an intended behavior and has been fixed in the git
version of AUCTeX with this patch:
  If you manage to install this change into your local installation of
AUCTeX, you'll be able to save a C-x C-s before running C-c C-c ;-)

That's fine, I thanks you very much.

JJ. Rétorré.

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