Vincent Belaïche <> writes:

>> FWIW, I wouldn't mind releasing with that patch and an appropriate
>> info doc update & NEWS entry (Vincent, could you please add that?)
> Yes, of course, I will do that in the next patch version.

Do that once we have settled on a specific patch version.

> Please make me know whether you are happy with the sorted-list based
> implementation of style-hook set arithmetic, or if you think that
> bitmaps are better.

Since you said that bitmaps would be easier to maintain, shorter, and
simpler, I'm in favor of that.  See my other mail.

> Also what about the nor/not discussion, I suggest that we keep only
> `nor' and rename it `not'. Do you agree ?

No, see my other mail.  I don't get why (not (or :a :b)) isn't
equivalent to (nor :a :b) in every case.  And in my book, the logical
`not' is always unary.


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