On 15 Nov 2014 at 21:00, Mosè Giordano wrote:

> If you want to download the Windows package, this is how the page
> should appear 
> http://web.cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/*checkout*/auctex/auctex/download-for-windows.html?revision=1.35
> in particular the address of the package is
> http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/auctex/auctex-11.88-e24.4-msw.zip  Please, let
> us know if it works ;-)

Hy Mosè,

could it be that auctex-11.88-e24.4-msw.zip does not yet reflect the 
new directory structure of emacs 24.4? In order to use it as a drop-in 
package I think that the dirs should be as follows:  

doc       -> share/doc
info      -> share/info
site-lisp -> share/emacs/site-lisp


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