Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:

> Igor Sosa Mayor <joseleopoldo1...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> related, is there a build in feature for deleting a given env?
>>> This is sometimes handy when editing other peoples work. (some people
>>> are very messy)
>> this would be a good idea...
> I guess doing `C-u C-c C-e' and then deleting the environment name could
> do that, i.e., modifying an environment so that is has an empty name.
> But there's no good way to delete an environment.  I mean, deleting the
> \begin/\end is easy, but you'd probably also want to delete its \items
> in case its an enumerate/itemize, etc.

Maybe. But what if there are labels ? (i.e. \item[foo] bar).

I would also want such a command to:
- remove arguments to the environement (e.g. for tabular, array, etc.).
- remove the indentation when applicable.

(I'm throwing in ideas in case someone wants to do it :p)


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