2015-02-20 11:50 GMT+01:00 Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org>:
> Mosè Giordano <m...@gnu.org> writes:
>> but I think those variables are evaluated in the buffer calling the
>> commands, not in the master file.
> If that's the case, I'd suggest that we change that and alway call them
> from the master file buffer.  Otherwise, we need to make many
> buffer-local variables (TeX-engine, extra-options, ...) document-local
> by stuffing them into the auto file.  Or do you see a use-case where one
> wants to use different values for one of such variables when invoking a
> command from, e.g., chapter01.tex, as opposed to main.tex?

I personally don't have such a use-case, but you know Emacs users tend
to have very strange workflows which updates often break [1] ;-)


[1] https://xkcd.com/1172/

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