Florian Lindner <mailingli...@xgm.de> writes:

Hi Florian,

> I used to have some configuration in my .emacs that enables
> TeX-PDF-mode as default but it seems to have ceased to work at some
> point..

If you use a current AUCTeX version (11.88 and later), TeX-PDF-mode is
now the default.

> I use the use-package package: https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package
> The init hook is executed before the package is loaded.
> (use-package tex-site
>   :ensure auctex
>   :init
>   (progn
>     (setq TeX-auto-save t
>           TeX-parse-self t
>       TeX-save-query nil
>       TeX-PDF-mode t
>           TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "xdg-open"))))
>   )
> But PDF-mode is not enabled.

TeX-PDF-mode is an automatically buffer-local variable.  To set its
default value, you need to use `setq-default'.  But as said, I'd advise
you simply upgrade to some recent AUCTeX version.


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