Delia Fara <> writes:

Hi Delia,

> I've just written it as a LaTeX macro using "\newenvironment", put it
> in a .tex file and enable it using "\input{}".  The point of the list
> is to have the labels be numbers in parentheses that don't start over
> with "(1)" with each \begin{}... \end{} pair.
> -------------------------------
> \newcounter{running}
> \newenvironment{runninglist}
> {%
> \begin{list}{\refstepcounter{running}(\arabic{running})}
> {\renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{ ##1}
> \settowidth{\labelwidth}{(999)}
> \setlength{\leftmargin}{0in}
> \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}
> \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}
> \rightmargin=\leftmargin}
> }
> {\end{list}}
> \newcommand{\rlabel}[1]%
> {\addtocounter{running}{-1}\refstepcounter{running}\label{#1}}
> --------------------------------
> I'm not very sophisticated, so maybe I should just leave things atthat.

You can create a directory/file style/mydoc.el next to your tex document
mydoc.tex with the following contents.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 (lambda ()
   (LaTeX-add-environments '("runninglist" LaTeX-env-item)))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Then, after typing `C-c C-n' in the corresponding tex buffer (or simply
kill and reopen that file), `C-c C-e runninglist' should behave as if
you were inserting a normal itemize or enumerate environment, i.e., add
the environment and its first item.


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