Mosè Giordano wrote:

> Hi Florian,
> 2015-07-15 10:19 GMT+02:00 Florian Lindner <>:
>> Florian Lindner wrote:
>> Sorry, accidently sent the post too early.
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a minimal LaTeX file:
>>> \documentclass{scrartcl}
>>> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>>> \begin{document}
>>> \cite{Zudrop2012}
>>> \bibliography{literatur}
>>> \bibliographystyle{unsrt}
>>> \end{document}
>>> which works perfect and produces a references section. How can I have
>>> autocomplete with the \cite macro?
>> My auctex config is like that:
>> (use-package tex-site
>>   :ensure auctex
>>   :init
>>   (progn
>>     (setq TeX-auto-save t
>>           TeX-parse-self t
>>           TeX-save-query nil
>>           TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "xdg-open"))))
>>   )
>> which installed my 11.88.6, Emacs is 24.5.1
>> I'm using helm for completion, which works perfect with Auctex C-c RET.
> Do you use RefTeX?

No, not yet. Is it needed for that kind of autocomplete?

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