Dear All,

Could someone here help me creating a particular function in AUCTeX-preview? Also, I wonder if such a function would be of interest to other people too, to submit it as a feature request:

In Preview, it would be useful to have a function that toggles on/off the visibility of all previews in the buffer, independently of the position of point. The key word here is *toggle*, rather than *regenerate*.

The function preview-at-point only toggles one preview, and only if the point is positioned on the preview. So if one only needs to take a quick look at the LaTeX code of a couple of formulae above or below point, one must:
1. move point to the preview,
2. call preview-at-point (or mouse-2),
3. take a look and memorize the code of interest,
4. call preview-at-point,
5. move point back.

The other option is to clear all previews (say in the section) and then regenerate them – but this can take time in buffers with many formulae, and is simply a waste of resources.

I tried to use/reverse engineer the functions "preview-at-point" and "preview-toggle" to build a function that toggles all previews at once, but failed (I don't understand how the "overlay" argument works in those functions). If anyone can suggest a method to do this, I'd be very grateful!


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