Joost Kremers wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 31 2015, Andreas Matthias <> wrote:
>> Joost Kremers wrote:
>>> As a workaround, though, I'll just use the book class as long as I'm
>>> writing and change it to scrbook when I do the final compilation and
>>> layout.
>> Another workaround:
>> \documentclass[pagesize=no]{scrbook}
> Thanks for the suggestion. Is this something I can keep in when
> compiling the final version? I read the KOMA documentation on the
> pagesize option but I'm still not sure...

Someone has to tell xdvipdfmx which page size to use. If this is not done
by a LaTeX class/package then the default value from dvipdfmx.cfg will
be taken.

With koma-script this information is provide by the option [pagesize], which
unfortunately interferes with preview. [pagesize=no] omits this information.
But we can use other LaTeX packages to provide this information,
e.g. hyperref. Hyperref creates theses specials be default, you don't
need any specific option.

I think the following should work without any drawback:



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