Hi Marcin, To avoid this problem, I ended up adding the following in my .emacs, i.e. hardcoding a few class files and a few input files that I might use. I hardly use the completion system for class and packages anyway:
(setq LaTeX-global-class-files '("article" "memoir" "book") TeX-global-input-files (mapcar (lambda (it) (list (prin1-to-string it))) '(babel inputenc lmodern cm-super cm-bright palatino libertine amsfonts amssymb mathrsfs ulem frcursive mathtools numprint xfrac amsthm ntheorem thmtools amscd pst-node multicol xcomment graphicx color epic geometry array mparhack exercise varioref fontenc enumerate enumitem lineno))) > Also, both LaTeX-global-class-files and TeX-global-input-files seem to > contain each file twice on my system, even though the said file exists > only in one place in the filesystem. What might be the reason for that? I don't know. -- Nicolas Richard _______________________________________________ auctex mailing list auctex@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/auctex