It turns out the math-symbol-lists package broke during the update.
This is needed by ac-math, which I require in LaTeX-mode-hook.

Reinstalling the math-symbol-lists package fixed the problem.

Mandar Mitra wrote (Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 07:53:53PM +0530):
> I have a number of custom keybindings for LaTeX-mode defined via
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
>           (lambda ()
>             (define-key LaTeX-mode-map "\C-c?" 'latex-help) ...))
> I suddenly discovered that these have stopped working. Poking around,
> I found the following:
> 1. When freshly opened, C-h m in a latex file says:
>    Fundamental mode:
>    :override advice: `TeX-latex-mode'
> 2. After M-x TeX-source-correlate-mode (and some similar commands), 
>    C-h m says:
>    LaTeX mode:
>    :override advice: `TeX-latex-mode'
> 3. I forget the exact sequence, but I even managed to get:
>    /PS mode:
>    :override advice: `TeX-latex-mode'
> Auto-indentation, fill-paragraph are also broken. I'm sure these changes
> are recent, but the only changes that I can remember doing recently are
> updating a number of packages, and updating auctex to the current git
> version. I'm not sure what broke my setup. I should be grateful for any
> suggestions about where to look.
> Thanks,
> Mandar.

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