2015-11-30 12:55 GMT+01:00 jfbu <j...@free.fr>:
> I had to grab 354 lines before the offending location to find an isolated
> $ which confuses AUCTeX.
> Although all the intervening macro definitions never define a paragraph,
> there were a few paragraphs inside the intervening comments
> Hence it seems that texmathp does not identify such paragraphs ?

I've never looked at how texmathp counts the paragraphs, but I
wouldn't be really surprised if it failed inside comments.  I mean,
there is a lot of work (made by Ralf, if I remember well) to make
AUCTeX correctly handle dtx comments like if they were normal text,
and texmathp doesn't rely on the rest of AUCTeX for his parsing
purposes (indeed it doesn't require AUCTeX at all to work), so it's
possible that it wasn't optimized to work also in dtx files.


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