Le 05/03/2016 10:35, Tamas Papp a écrit :
Hi Mosè,

On Fri, Mar 04 2016, Mosè Giordano wrote:

2016-03-03 8:49 GMT+01:00 Tamas Papp <tkp...@gmail.com>:
Yes, Crimson does look nicer. I changed the kerning a bit, to a
compromise between the default and my somewhat cramped original
version. AFAIK tighter kerning is common for logos.

Indeed this is better.  I'd like to propose some further changes:

   - change the background color to the color of the header text (8596B0)
   - change the E color to something lighter, for better readability
   - add to the background the code used to produce the logo itself, to
     make it "recursive" (but cheating with \lstinputlisting).

This looks fantastic now. Nicely designed and, with the code itself,
nerdy beyond reason (which I like, I am a nerd).

Please find attached the code and the resulting PDF.  I didn't alter
kerning and lowering of E.  Note that xelatex is not needed to compile
the document, but it helps reducing the size of the final png file.

You can see a sketch of the possible result of the logo in the
homepage at http://www.dmf.unisalento.it/~giordano/auctex-index.html
The logo doesn't fit in the current header (height is 91px, the logo
would be barely visible with that size), I think the sidebar is a
better place for it, but suggestions are welcome.

I think this is fine.

I find too that this is very good.

I tried replacing a few lines with

  \node[inner sep=0pt] at (-0.18,0.07)

in order to better see the code, in particular the characteristics local 
variables at bottom.

Attached is PDF.


Despite the fact that we didn't need a logo in the first place (IMO), we
ended up with a very good one :D



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Attachment: auctex-logo-with-code.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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