2017-01-08 19:49 GMT+01:00 Arash Esbati <arash.esbati...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Mosè,
> Mosè Giordano <m...@gnu.org> writes:
>> 2017-01-08 19:13 GMT+01:00 Arash Esbati <arash.esbati...@gmail.com>:
>>> I suggest that we also
>>> emphasize more in the official documentation that ELPA is the preferred
>>> way to go.  WDYT?
>> The installation section of the manual starts with
>>     The simplest way of installing AUCTeX is by using the Emacs package 
>> manager
>>     integrated in Emacs 24 and greater (ELPA).
>> and the description of the process takes more or less one other line.
>> It looks pretty clear to me, but this isn't probably sufficient, since
>> sometimes I see people in trouble trying to compile the package from
>> source.  If you have ideas on how to improve it, please go ahead.
> I think one point that may be confusing is your quote above from section
> "1.2 Installing AUCTeX" and this part from "1.3 Quick Start":
>   If AUCTeX is installed, you might still need to activate it, by
>   inserting
>   (load "auctex.el" nil t t)
>   in your user init file.(1) If you’ve installed AUCTeX from the Emacs
>   package manager (ELPA), you must not have this line in your user init
>   file. The installation procedure already cares about loading AUCTeX
>   correctly.
> My suggestion is to have in "1.2 Installing AUCTeX" something like:
>   The modern and strongly recommended way of installing AUCTeX is by
>   using the Emacs package manager integrated in Emacs 24 and greater
>   (ELPA) ... That’s all.  See section "1.3 Quick Start" for further
>   instructions after this step.
> Before I write some text: If I get it right, one can have
> (package-initialize) in his .emacs and then the sentence from "1.3 Quick
> Start" does not apply anymore.  Is this correct?

One must *not* manually load AUCTeX when it's installed via ELPA, no
matter if `package-initialize' is called or not.  Indeed, this is
sometimes another source of ambiguity for newcomers.


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