Denis Bitouzé <> writes:

> Le 11/09/20 à 12h50, François Patte a écrit :
>> Is it possible to run latexmk as the default compilator while using
>> Ctrl-c-c in auctex?
> Maybe with this (don't know if it is enough):
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq TeX-command-default "Latexmk")))

You also need an entry for "Latexmk" in `TeX-command-list', something
like this should do the job:

(eval-after-load "tex"
  '(add-to-list 'TeX-command-list
                '("Latexmk" "latexmk -pdf %s" TeX-run-TeX nil t
                  :help "Run latexmk on file")

Best, Arash

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