Wierdl Máté <wierdlm...@gmail.com> writes:

In your other message, you wrote:

> I think at stackexchange the file you gave was the same.  The possible
> difference hence is the installation of the newer auctex?

Nope, the new one I posted here is more user friendly in terms parsing
the `label prefix' argument and making it available to AUCTeX and
RefTeX.  Putting things like this:

    %%% Local Variables:
    %%% mode: latex
    %%% TeX-master: t
    %%% eval: (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist '("theorem" . "thm"))
    %%% eval: (reftex-add-label-environments '(("theorem" ?m "thm:" 
"~\\ref{%s}" nil ("Theorem" "theorem") nil)))
    %%% End:

in your .tex file is not necessary.  You can use diff on those styles to
see the changes.

> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[theorems]{tcolorbox}
> \usepackage{cleveref}
> \newtcbtheorem[
> crefname={definition}{definitions}
> ]
> {defn}{Definition}{}{defn}
> %theorem
> \newtcbtheorem[
> use counter from=defn,
> crefname={theorem}{theorems}
> ]
> {thm}{Theorem}{}{thm}
> %\usepackage{my}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{thm}[label={thm:1}]{Big One}{}
>   $1=2$
> \end{thm}
> \begin{defn}[label={defn:1}]{Bigdef}{}
>   BIG.
> \end{defn}
> In \cref{defn:1,thm:1}.
> \end{document}
> But if I put the preamble into my.sty, so I have this tcbcolor_test1.tex
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{my}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{thm}[label={thm:1}]{Big One}{}
>   $1=2$
> \end{thm}
> \begin{defn}[label={defn:1}]{Bigdef}{}
>   BIG.
> \end{defn}
> In \cref{defn:1,thm:1}.
> \end{document}
> Then AUCTeX won't know about these thm and defn environments and reftex
> won't offer them when I do C-c ).

This is the expected behaviour.  AUCTeX sees the \usepackage{my} macro
and tries to load my.el.  Save the next lines as my.el and put it in a
directory where AUCTeX can find it.

     (lambda ()
       (TeX-run-style-hooks "tcolorbox" "tcolorboxlib-theorems" "cleveref")
        '("defn" "defn")
        '("thm" "thm")))

Now open your file again and hit `C-c C-n'.

Best, Arash

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