On 09/11/2020 04:02, Maximilian Wuttke wrote:
> Hi,
> The "C-c RET" completion for `\usepackage` caches the available packages
> into a variable (I think `TeX-global-input-files`). However, this list
> is not saved to the disk, and if I restart Emacs, the packages have to
> be rescanned, which takes some time (ca. 10 seconds on my computer).
> It would be a nice feature to save the packages (and of course also
> provide a command to update the list). But my Emacs Lisp skills are not
> good enough yet to implement this feature.
> -- Maximilian
> PS: AUCTex is great! It was one of the reasons why I switched from vim
> to Emacs. :) I've already written my bachelor's thesis and a paper with
> Emacs, and now I'm writing my master's thesis.

OK, I implemented this feature for myself. It wasn't so complicated
after all.

> ;; Save TeX and LaTeX packages and document classes to a file
> ;; Code inspired by `company-statistics.el'
> (defvar LaTeX-packages-file (concat user-emacs-directory 
> "latex-packages-cache.el"))
> (defun LaTeX-save-package-list ()
>   "Save TeX and LaTeX packages and document classes to the file 
> `LaTeX-packages-file'"
>   (interactive)
>   (with-temp-buffer
>     (let (print-level print-length)
>       (insert
>        (format "%S"
>              `(setq LaTeX-global-class-files (quote ,LaTeX-global-class-files)
>                     TeX-global-input-files (quote ,TeX-global-input-files))))
>       (write-file LaTeX-packages-file nil))))
> (defun LaTeX-load-package-list ()
>   "Load TeX and LaTeX packages and document classes from the file 
> `LaTeX-packages-file'"
>   (interactive)
>   (load LaTeX-packages-file 'noerror nil 'nosuffix))
> (with-eval-after-load "latex" (LaTeX-load-package-list))

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