I'm wondering if it's possible to have Flycheck report LaTeX compile errors
the way it reports linting errors.

For example, if I have:

\documentclass[12pt]{article}\begin{documen} %ERROR
Hello world!\end{document}

I get a message saying there's a compile error, and to hit "C-c `" to see
it. If I do this, it jumps my cursor to the error. So *somehow* Emacs knows
that there's an error, and knows what line it is on.

But, flycheck does not highlight any errors in the gutter. chktex linting
messages are shown in the gutter just fine, so flycheck is working, it's
just not getting the compile errors.

Is there any way to have this set up, so flycheck can highlight compile
errors in the gutter, and I can navigate compile-errors using flycheck?



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