Hi Ikumi,

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 3:30 PM Ikumi Keita <ik...@ikumi.que.jp> wrote:

> Hi Roussanka,
> >>>>> Roussanka Loukanova <rl.st...@gmail.com> writes:
> > The following commands work finely from the command line of Terminal,
> but I
> > do not know how to set these options AUCTeX in Aquamacs:
> > - latex > dvips (from Aquamacs and from Terminal)
> > $ ps2pdf -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY test-file.ps
> Please customize `TeX-command-list'. Type M-x customize-option RET
> TeX-command-list RET and emacs displays a list with a lot of entries.
> Find the entry of ps2pdf which looks like:
> ,----
> |             Name: Ps2pdf
> |             Command: ps2pdf %f
> |             How: Value Menu Other: TeX-run-ps2pdf
> |             ...
> `----
> Add your additional option at "Command:" line. Then push "Apply and
> Save" button at the beginning of the buffer to save the change.
> N.B. The default value of `TeX-command-list' is sometimes updated when a
> new AUCTeX is released. You have to erase your customize once and
> re-enable for the new default value at such occasion.
> > - XeLaTeX in Terminal:
> > $ xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -i dvipdfmx-unsafe.cfg -q -E"
> > test-file.tex
> Please use `TeX-command-extra-options' variable. You can set it by
> File local variables by a section like
> %%% Local Variables:
> %%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-output-driver=\"xdvipdfmx -i
> dvipdfmx-unsafe.cfg -q -E\""
> %%% End:
> at the last of your document.

The customizations of both engines seem to work. Thanks!

I place the following code at the end of relevant files, and hope that it's
correct. Is it correct?

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-output-driver=\"xdvipdfmx -i
dvipdfmx-unsafe.cfg -q -E\""
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:

The one with the local variables for XeLaTeX, at the end of the relevant
file, is more practical instead of changing the default AUCTeX, and
possibly diverge by new updates. But the tree drawings that I have do not
look good by typesetting them with the above code of XeLaTeX.
Do you know something?

Best Regards,

> If you use that setting for every latex document, customize
> `TeX-command-extra-options' itself and save it.
> Regards,
> Ikumi Keita

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