Hi,   I have posted the persistant problem three weeks ago already to 
 but nobody seems to know the answer.    I suspect the solution may be pretty 
straightforward, but I'm just a emacs+ auctex beginner, so please bear with me 
if this appears banal. For convenience, here again what I have tried so far.    
Thank you and best regards @all.       AUCTex in WSL cannot find TeX Live in 

When trying to compile/ pdf-preview a tex-file, minibuffer spits out: 

ERROR: AUCTeX cannot find a working TeX distribution. Make sure you have one 
and that TeX binaries are in PATH environment variable  


        * AUCTex (up-to-date version from ELPA) via:

Win 10 --> wsl (1) --> Debian 11 (+ VcXsrv for GUI) --> Emacs (from the 
official 'bullseye'-repository) 

        * c:/texlive/2022/bin/win32/ (full install)

Paths for TeX Live and Ghostscript in the Windows environment-variables are 
correctly set: working fine in Emacs under Win 10 and also Cygwin. 

Is there anything else I would have to do for AUCTex to find TeX Live under 

By all means I would like to avoid a second 7GB-install of TeX Live in WSL. 


When in the WSL Linux-console I type: pdflatex.exe, it says: "This is pdfTeX, 
Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.24 (TeX Live 2022) (preloaded format=pdflatex) 
restricted \write18 enabled." 

It can therefore be safely assumed that WSL1 does read the path correctly? Why 
then can not Emacs-AucteX find it. May "restricted" have anything to do with 
it? Or that it says "pdfTeX", instead of pdfLateX? After another several days 
of digging in the dark, I am on the brink of giving up. 

Update 2: 

        * I created a helloworld.tex-file in wsl-emacs: no compiling, just 
saved it to the default folder.
        * I quit wsl-emacs and in wsl-debian console typed: pdflatex.exe 
        * This actually created the according helloworld.pdf.

So the wsl/ windows-texlive connection is definitely alive and working. 

Therefore I'm still wondering: Why is this not possible in wsl-emacs, why can 
auctex not find texlive? 

Another observation, if relevant: If 1) in wsl-emacs I create the 
helloworld.tex and not just save it, but also, unsuccesfully, try to compile 
('latex' or 'pdflatex') it 2) exit emacs and in wsl-debian console type 
pdflatex.exe helloworld.tex 3) it now denies permission: 

 helloworld.aux: Permission denied 

Update 3: 

After a good sleep, the probable solution to the problem seems, to me at least, 
so obvious that I'm surprised am the first to come up with it... ;) 

When I tell auctex in wsl-emacs to compile/ 'pdflatex' helloworld.tex, it by 
default tries to do this within _wsl_. So it is bound to complain, as there is 
no TexLive in wsl. 

The right and as we've seen above working command to compile/ 'pdflatex' the 
file in TexLive _Windows_ is pdflatex._EXE_. 

So it seems all I would have to do is tell auctex to execute pdflatex.exe, 
instead of just pdflatex. 

Does this make any sense? If so: now how/ where in auctex can I change the 
default command accordingly? 


Update 4: Still no success. 

Nobody knows? In the auctex-command settings I've tried by changing command 
'pdflatex' to 'pdflatex.exe', but auctex still can not find TexLive. 

Maybe I have to give and/ or mount the full Windows TexLive somehow, somewhere? 


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