On 23 Nov 2022, at 3:03, Colin Baxter wrote:

>>>>>> Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:
>     >> Is there anyway to generate different PDF files for each included
>     >> file in master file with AUCTeX.
>     >>
>     >> More specifically, I have one master file called “master”, in
>     >> which, I have included two chapters: “chapter01” and “chapter02”.
>     >> I want AUCTeX (after appropriate number of runs) to generate one
>     >> PDF for the master file, one PDF for chapter01, one PDF for
>     >> chapter02 and (the bonus) one PDF for bibliography.
>     > I'm not sure how you plan to do that, but one solution comes to my
>     > mind is using \includeonly in the preamble and control the output
>     > with it.
>     > See here for details:
>     >   http://latexref.xyz/_005cinclude-_0026-_005cincludeonly.html
>     > Best, Arash

Thank you Arash.  Ideally, I am looking for a way to generate individual pdf 
files (4 in the example above) with one command with AUCTeX.

> \includeonly and use refsection to make bibliographies per chapter. See
> this stackexchange question:
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/87414/per-chapter-bibliographies-in-biblatex.
> If individual chapter biographies are not necessary then why not use
> something like PDFtk to split the master pdf into chapter pdfs?

That is what I am doing right now, but I wanted to automate it.


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