I think I got it: the list (just?) needs to be sorted. So if I set it to

(("part" . 0)
 ("chapter" . 1)
 ("songsection" . 2)
 ("section" . 2)
 ("subsection" . 3)
 ("subsubsection" . 4)
 ("beginsong" . 5)
 ("paragraph" . 5)
 ("subparagraph" . 6)
 ("addchap" . -1)
 ("addsec" . -2))

it works!

> It depends a bit on how you did that addition.  If you've done that in a
> buffer after loading RefTeX, you probably have to eval
> (reftex-compile-variables) in that buffer as well.  Otherwise you have
> to provide a recipe how others can reproduce it.

That didn't seem to be necessary.

> Since promotion and demotion both rely on this variable, I think it
> shouldn't be changed by an AUCTeX style from lisp with `add-to-list'.

I'm sorry, what do you mean here? That I should modify it with an AUCTeX
style, or that the style should not use `add-to-list'?

Alessandro Bertulli

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