>> works for me after moving the `\special{background White}` inside the
>> preview environment

For the simple example this is possible but for my actual application I can 
only give some latex code that is added to the preamble of a template (which 
comes before the preview environment). Thanks for the suggestion.

> The proper way to get it into every output file is by using
> \AtBeginDvi{\special{background White}}

Indeed this does the trick. Thanks. 

As a follow-up, I tried to change the colour of the text instead of the 
background. When I use `\AtBeginDvi{\special{color Blue}}` something 
interesting happens. The `stderr` from `dvisvgm` is  

pre-processing DVI file (format version 2)
processing page 1
  graphic size: 59.060989pt x 16.642173pt (20.757564mm x 5.849055mm)
  output written to 
1 of 1 page converted in 0.23648 seconds

while when I use `\AtBeginDvi{\special{background White}}` the `stderr` is

pre-processing DVI file (format version 2)
processing page 1
  computing extents based on data set by preview package (version 13.1)
  width=59.060989pt, height=11.814414pt, depth=4.827759pt
  graphic size: 59.060989pt x 16.642173pt (20.757564mm x 5.849055mm)
  output written to 
1 of 1 page converted in 0.225224 seconds

Now, `imgmath` (a Sphinx extension) relies on this `stderr` in order to extract 
the `depth` value and in the former case it is missing, so vertical correction 
is not applied (later on) which doesn’t look nice. Clearly this is related to 
`dvisvgm` however in its documentation (under the dgisvgv/ps section) it is 
stated that “… the preview package with option tightpage.” is used to get a 
bounding box. And I wonder whether this has anything to do with the preview 


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