On 6 Mar 2023, at 2:34, Ikumi Keita wrote:

> Didn't you hit just RET for "(Optional) Overlay:" query? If so, that's
> default behavior of AUCTeX: When you hit just RET for a query of
> optional argument, the rest of queries of optional argument is skipped.
> To avoid that behavior, customize TeX-insert-macro-default-style' to 
> show-all-optional-args'.

Thanks Ikumi. Previously, when AUCTeX inquired for options I could have 
autocomplete both width and \linewidth but now AUCTeX does not recognize this. 
See the attached screenshot.

[Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 20.47.53.png]

I also noticed that with the most recent update autocomplete for width add an 
extra width, see the second screenshot.

[Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 20.52.44.png]


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