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Predmet:        Re: [Audacity-translation] Finish with Slovak translation
Dátum:  Sun, 28 Nov 2021 07:56:11 +0100
Od:     Marco Oros <marco.oro...@gmail.com>
Pre:    Thomas De Rocker <thomasderoc...@outlook.com>


I apologize for later response to Your message. Ofcourse, I can work on Slovak translation without any problems.

But, things was lastly very complicated. I was also on operation with gallstone and today I have noticed this message. Big sorry for this, but I am a bid busy.

I'll do everything to improve this translation as quickly as possible.

But, can I use still Poedit? Also, could You please send me, where can I find this translation files?

Thank You.

Best regards

Marco Oros

Dňa 7. 4. 2021 o 9:39 Thomas De Rocker napísal(a):
Hi Marco and Jozef

Since Jozef left the Transifex Slovak team for Audacity, I removed the team and attached the latest translation files (string freeze and development versions) to this mail.
This way, Marco can keep working offline using PoEdit.
If in the future you want to use Transifex, just let me know.


*Van:* jozef m <jozef.m...@gmail.com>
*Verzonden:* dinsdag 6 april 2021 15:57
*Aan:* Thomas De Rocker <thomasderoc...@outlook.com>
*CC:* Marco Oros <marco.oro...@gmail.com>; James Crook <james.k.cr...@gmail.com>; Cleber Tavano <clebertav...@gmail.com>; audacity-translation@lists.sourceforge.net <audacity-translation@lists.sourceforge.net>
*Onderwerp:* Re: [Audacity-translation] Finish with Slovak translation

I am sending you a translation of the last e-mail with Marco in connection with this matter.

I do not have such a guide, but the transifex has a help center marked with a '?' (question mark),
1. log in to Transifex
2. click on the Slovak language button 'Show resources'
3. by clicking on Audacity (development) a window with options will pop up
4. to download the file for translation, click on the option 'Download file for translation', you can translate the obtained PO file on your computer 5. click on the 'Upload file' option to upload the translated file to Transifex
6. Double-click on your translation file
If you are unable to do this, you can still send the translated PO file directly to Audacity-translation@lists.sourceforge.net

I allowed Marco to be accepted into the Slovak translation team and, as you can see, I wrote him a brief guide. I can't help him anymore. In order not to give the impression that I am obstructing the blind in my realization, I want to leave the Slovak translation team.

<https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail> Bez virů. www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>

po 5. 4. 2021 o 19:47 Thomas De Rocker <thomasderoc...@outlook.com> napísal(a):

    Hi @Marco <mailto:marco.oro...@gmail.com> and @jozef

    Like @James <mailto:james.k.cr...@gmail.com> said: "Perhaps you
    can talk with [each other] about the Slovak translation, and
    between you work out how to proceed?"

    @Cleber <mailto:clebertav...@gmail.com>: apparently, there are two
    translators, working with separate tools. So it's not that simple.



    *Van:* Cleber Tavano <clebertav...@gmail.com>
    *Verzonden:* maandag 5 april 2021 6:45
    *Aan:* audacity-translation@lists.sourceforge.net
    *Onderwerp:* Re: [Audacity-translation] Finish with Slovak
    Hey there Marcos!

    Keep using the tools you already know and can use. PoEdit is
    completely fine, I translate everything using PoEdit and when I
    have time I take a look at transifex to update a couple of words
    I find Weblate way better than Transifex, but I know lots of
    people will find Transifex easier to use and it's ok too.
    That's why we decided to keep our old system working: sending PO
    files here in the list and one developer commit it to the main
    code (thanks James!).
    So keep up your good work using Poedit and email. And as James
    already said, Transifex is optional, don't stress yourself out.

    Use masks, wash your hands and stay safe! :)

    Em dom., 4 de abr. de 2021 às 17:55, Marco Oros
    <marco.oro...@gmail.com> escreveu:


        I know, that It is not good to write here. I wanted to
        continue with
        translation of Audacity. Finally, there is also someone, from
        which I am
        happy. There are various mistakes in Slovak translation, which
        must be

        But, I can't do It actually. Currently I have noticed, that
        most of
        Audacity is currently in Transifex and Transifex is not
        accessible for me.

        Let me explain It: I am blind user of Audacity and computer.
        It means,
        that I don't use mouse, only keyboard and screen reader (in
        this case
        NVDA). I can work with Poedit, which is accessible. I don't
        know, how to
        deal with this problem. There are two options, send downloaded
        translation to main Slovak translator, or just give up and
        leave It. I
        have asked about accessibility of Transifex to users of My screen
        reader, but without answer. Maybe I'll do It again, but I
        can't nolonger
        translate Audacity in Transifex, only by using Poedit and also
        I have
        heard, that translation in Github is bad. I don't know, if It
        is true,
        or no. Translation from Github was great choice for me, but now
        conditions are changed.

        I couldn't follow those new things, because of My school
        duties. I don't
        know, how to help with Slovak translation and I want to help
        with It,
        but conditions are not good for me.

        So, how to solve this thing? How can I translate Audacity, if
        most of
        things are not accessible for us?

        Also, there are mistakes in Czech translations too (Czech and
        Slovak are
        mutually inteligible languages), I have noticed It.

        I would like to contact also with Czech translators of
        Audacity too. I
        can just help with contacting of translators, but not with

        Or, have You some alternatives for me?

        I really want to help You in My leasure time.

        Thank You for understanding.

        Best regards from Slovakia

        Marco Oros

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