Congratulations Marco on updating the Slovak.  Every little bit helps I

I’ve been translating to Việtnamese for nearly a year now.  There’s always
more improvements to make. Step step step.

As for the trouble translating.  I definitely understand this and have
spent years finding the right words.

Here’s a couple suggestions that maybe will help:
1-if possible try to find someone that’s a professional.  Radio person, tv
station, university student, even many YouTubers will be happy to help with
some things.

2- check the manual.  It is very well written.
For example here:
After reading the manual and playing with it in the software then I
translated it like “super time stretch “
Dtmf became something like “telephone key sounds”
So always check the manual.

3-google it. Sometimes you can find guides , webpages, yt videos or blogs
that already explain the concept.
Sometimes I can search for related words and find the right source by
When I need to decide which target language word is better then I’ll put
both in google separately and see what gets better results.
Sometimes you get very lucky and there is a Wikipedia article about it or a
guide about adobe software in your language already.

4- ask normal people who are not experts.  If they can understand the word
I choose and understand the main idea then i know it is close.

We all understand that translating is difficult and there is no perfect
translation for all users.
It is a journey and an evolution.

Keep up the great work Marco!


On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 3:05 PM Marco Oros <> wrote:

> Hello.
> Here is My first update of Slovak translation of Audacity. I'll improve
> It on the future. Ofcourse, some things are not translated, because I
> don't understand some things. I would like to translate those things as
> best, as It'll be good. There is lot of edit in this bad translation. It
> is due to this, that many English words are differently translated to
> Slovak (It depend on context).
> Thank You for understanding and have a nice day.
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